Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ode to air conditioning

Last weekend in Nashville, I learned to appreciate air conditioning in the South, especially in time time of corsets and petticoats (think Gone With the Wind. Whoa Nellie was it hot. In Venice, I learned the appreciation of air conditioning in even earlier times, during the heyday of the Venetian Republic (1200s-1700s). When we sweated our way the Doges Palace in 90+ degree weather, it was an absolute delight to catch a fresh breeze from the windows or finally make it back to our air conditioned room. Just imagine the poor women in their huge dresses, and men in their Venetian finest. Even a gondola ride couldn't cool them down in the summer swelter.

Despite the heat, the Doges palace was very interesting to tour, with both the Doges' (leaders') apartments as well as the Republic's public spaces. Their Grand Council meeting room is simply stunning. One might even call it grand...

Finished our time in Venice with more delightful strolls around town, dinner on a residential street with kids flying kites and dogs being walked, and of course more gelato. We are really hoping Croatia has a gelato equivalent, as we've become addicted in three nights.

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